Thursday 13 June 2024

Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline.

To decide what the strapline and title should be, they need to relate to the music magazine which will center mainly on the pop genre. 
The title needs to be simple which makes it more memorable, but also for the strapline too, there needs to be something in it which can tell a reader right away it is a music magazine and more specifically a pop music magazine. 

The music magazine title option I chose to go with was Cadence, as it has several meanings, meanings which could be seen as correlating with the music magazine: 
1. A modulation or inflection of the voice. 
2. A rhythmical effect in written text.
3. A fall in pitch of the voice at the end of a phrase or sentence. 
4. A sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase. 

The benefits of having the title being one word is that the simpler, the better and easier to remember. But not just that, being a less common word it is unlikely competitors would use the title for their own music magazine. Being not so commonly used as a word, when the word gets used it will be easy to conjure images of the magazine when the word is brought up. 

Alongside that, the strapline will be 'Delve into the best of music.' Though simple will be an easy way to establish to people who might come across the music magazine, who is being marketed at for this magazine. 

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Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline.

To decide what the strapline and title should be, they need to relate to the music magazine which will center mainly on the pop genre.  The ...