Tuesday 1 October 2024

Planning Task 8: Photography Planning.

For the two main images, for both magazines I intend on using one male model and one female model, with each image being connected to the main coverline of the front covers. The reason for using two different people of different genders is that both magazines will represent distinct social groups. And by using each gender, both can attract people of the same sex from the target audience who can identify with the model. 
To create an aesthetic; have the clothes both people are wearing match the colours of the front cover. (Though the clothing will only be expected to be casual.) What I mean by having the colours all aligning to create an aesthetic is through the same colour matching e.g. with the masthead; coverlines; and other type displayed on the front cover in order to make the covers pleasing to the eye. 
Both models will need to display confidence in their body language. How I envision connecting the pair to any possible readership - getting across confidence - will be through the models making direct eye contact with the camera (a direct gaze), to give a feeling that they are looking at the reader. 

Apart from including the two magazine covers on the website as promotion for them, there will need to be two other, original, images not previously used before. Along with the additional images needed for the two contents pages. 

Monday 30 September 2024

Planning Task 7: Website Homepage and Linked Page.

This image should loosely look like the homepage of my music magazines website for when users go into the website. I plan on having the masthead remain the same as the font used for the masthead of the two magazines. I am also debating whether or not to include the magazine strapline to further connect into the minds of website visitors between the website and both printed editions of the magazine (something that several music magazines and magazine websites offer). The difference between a website and magazine of course is the interactivity aspect of a website - which is what will be crucial on fulfilling on. 
One other method to connect the two products: website and magazine will be including ways to purchase the magazine on the website. Needing to be simple for the ease of use by visitors, but not too basic as to come across as not professional enough. In essence, the theme for the website should be minimalist. 
And will need to harness the main positive that websites have over print media such as: magazines, their interactivity. 

Like any website from a business will want to include the businesses mission statement as a music magazine. Similar to The Guardian which sets out on its website that it is a not for profit print media distributor. This detail will help to make the website feel more legitimate and by setting out its doctrine would make it different to its competitors in the highly unsafe world of magazines and especially music magazines. Setting out these missions in the 'about' section of the website. 

If interactivity is to be the key in defining the website, then will want to include details such as the subscribe feature and hyperlinks to the brands social media elsewhere to keep the audience connected to the brand. Moving beyond just a monthly read that once done with, forget about till the next monthly release. 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Planning Task 6: Contents Page.

Like any magazine a contents page will be helpful for the readers to navigate the contents of the magazine, since most readers do not read a magazine in the traditional sense as a book, since there will be parts they specifically want to read, compared to other parts. 
That is why the contents page is of such importance, for its usefulness it must be easy to use otherwise people may simply choose not to read. 

These are in essence how I envision my contents pages looking in the final product: simple and easy to navigate. 
With the main images supposed to be relevant to what is displayed on the contents pages. The mock-ups are similar as I do not believe there is any need to confuse the audience with two drastically different looking contents pages. Since their main focus will be on being functional above all else for the contents page of the magazine, this is why a basic enough format is required. 
Yet, the images will be a good tool to keep an audience engaged, as it will need to be eye-catching. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Planning Task 5 : Mock Up Of Covers 1 and 2.

This is the very first, small drawing of how I want the two magazines to look and seen by Magazine 1 and 2 below, clearly do keep quite close to the original concepts. 

Magazine 1: 

Magazine 2: 

These are two mock-up drawings of how I would like to lay out the two issues of Cadence. As though it were the real two first issues of a new music magazine. 
Alongside the layout, these are some examples of the coverlines which may end up as the real coverlines for each magazine. To be authentic have included details like: a barcode, price tag and puff. Items which will be required on the final product. 
There may be areas I later wish to change for instance why the coverlines are not definitively going to be in the final product as they are. But this will be in someway how I envision currently the final product coming out looking. 
Even from the very first concept to the individual ones - there is changes, so more are most likely to take place. 
And also, as set out in Task 3 - I plan on using a different font for the masthead and strapline. Watermelon font & Retro Cool font. Which will make these covers look even different to their final form. But these mock ups are important as it will give some structure and be able to look to them for a consistent vision. 

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Planning Task 4 : Front Cover Design.

There are four main components of all magazines: 
1. Main coverline.
2. Other coverlines. 
3. Main images. 
4. Page furniture. 

Of course, not all magazines will stick to all of these components but they will be the main components magazines choose to include. 
But these will be components used in this music magazines front cover design. 
The fonts for the coverlines will be with the use of the same font as the strapline rather than the font used for the masthead. 
The main image will need to connect to Cadence being a music magazine and also be associated with the pop genre, which Cadence is aimed to focus on. 

Magazine 1. 

Masthead: Cadence. 
Strapline: Delve into the best of music. 

Main coverline: The new album everyone needs to hear. 
Coverline 1: 'A one-hit wonder' proving us all wrong. 
Coverline 2: Results of our audiences favourite artists. 
Coverline 3: Two exclusive posters inside. 

Magazine 2. 

Masthead: Cadence. 
Strapline: Delve into the best of music. 

Main coverline: What the future of music looks like. 
Coverline 1: Poll: Our audiences favourite genres? 
Coverline 2: The stunning story of success. 
Coverline 3: Claim a Free CD. 

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Planning Task Three: Masthead Design.

Fonts used: 
* Rockwell Extra Bold. 
* Blue Ocean. 
* Retro Cool. 
* Watermelon. 

The fonts for both the masthead and strapline are crucial as they will be what peoples eyes will first go to and so needs to pop in order to be eye-catching, as people will not want to buy a magazine if it looks dull or boring. 
The Rockwell Extra Bold, is an example of a more traditional kind of font and so could be classed as basic. Whereas, the other three are irregular and do give off a different energy to most fonts for magazine mastheads or straplines. 
But rather than just choosing one of these fonts, I would be more inclined to go with the Watermelon font for the masthead whilst using Retro Cool for the strapline. 
I have chosen to have the masthead in capitals, to grab attention. Whilst for the strapline to remain in lower case lettering. 
Some magazines do not keep a particular colour for each issue of their magazine, and Cadence will be one of those magazines which will not stick to that convention. And so in every monthly release will be a different colour on the masthead/strapline. That is why I have left them in black instead of a certain colour, since it wont be stuck to. 

Planning Task 8: Photography Planning.

For the two main images, for both magazines I intend on using one male model and one female model, with each image being connected to the ma...