Thursday 13 June 2024

Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline.

To decide what the strapline and title should be, they need to relate to the music magazine which will center mainly on the pop genre. 
The title needs to be simple which makes it more memorable, but also for the strapline too, there needs to be something in it which can tell a reader right away it is a music magazine and more specifically a pop music magazine. 

The music magazine title option I chose to go with was Cadence, as it has several meanings, meanings which could be seen as correlating with the music magazine: 
1. A modulation or inflection of the voice. 
2. A rhythmical effect in written text.
3. A fall in pitch of the voice at the end of a phrase or sentence. 
4. A sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase. 

The benefits of having the title being one word is that the simpler, the better and easier to remember. But not just that, being a less common word it is unlikely competitors would use the title for their own music magazine. Being not so commonly used as a word, when the word gets used it will be easy to conjure images of the magazine when the word is brought up. 

Alongside that, the strapline will be 'Delve into the best of music.' Though simple will be an easy way to establish to people who might come across the music magazine, who is being marketed at for this magazine. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Research Task Nine : Target Audience Research And Analysis

The best way to understand an audience is to question them, so in order to understand how best to market to an audience who want to buy music magazines, and what would appeal to them. This will all be done in service of understanding how best to start a new independent music magazine, which can attract the broadest possible range of readers. 
To complete this I will ask questions to ten people, each in an interview-style situation. These will be the same set of questions for each person as to see where similarities lie or differences instead. The ten interviewees will be people aging from 16-25 to get the widest set of results. Since if we wish to set up a new music magazine for ages between 16 to 25 it would be a grave mistake to only ask 25 year-olds questions as otherwise it will essentially just be a music magazine for 25 year-olds. The same for gender, the interviewees will need to be both male and female. Since only targeting one gender significantly cuts off a wide part of a potential market. So, for both age and gender, the skill will be, being able to find a middle ground which can bring in both genders and a large percentage of each of the age brackets we will want to bring in. 

The Questions: 

These are the questions I intent to ask to the ten people involved in the interviews. 

1) Age: What is your age? 
2) Gender: What is your gender? 

The reasons why an interviewees age and gender will be important, have already been explained so I do not see the need to repeat that explanation. 

3) How many genres of music can you name? 
4) What is your favourite genre of music? 

Based off if there are a repetition of answers, will be clearer to see which genre to focus in on as the goal will be to get the largest number of readers. Or if the same genre is not answered then will know it will have to be a variety of genres put into one. 

5) Favourite artist? Do you have one, if so who are they? 

Help to indicate whether people are that interest in music and if they are interested in a genre but did not know what it was called. 

6) Do they buy music magazines? If so, which and why? If not, why not? 

Gives a context to whether people have a strong enjoyment in music or not. And may explain why other methods of digesting the same content has taken over. 

7) Do they visit music websites? If so, which and why? If not. why not? 

Will help to explain why people feel the need to use music websites. And for both the music website and magazine I want to set up, will help explain what has to be different to encourage those who would not normally use either to actually buy a music magazine or visit a music website. 

8) If a new music magazine was being published, what would make them want to buy it, or go to its website? 
9) How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 
10) Is there anything which would encourage them to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 

These three questions in particular will be necessary for the understanding of our target audience. For instance with the range a person would be willing to pay, help in telling what the target audiences thinking is. Helpful in determining what has to be done in order to stand out from the already existing music websites and magazines. 

Peoples answers: Peoples names have been changed to protect their identities. 

1) B. Castle. 
Age- 19. Female. 

How many genres of music can you name? 11. 
Rock, pop, RnB, drill, hiphop, electronic dance, indie, country, k-pop, jazz, classical. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No, did not knew they even existed. 

Do you visit music websites? 
Yes, though only one's that focus on individual artists. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Cheap and if it had interesting topics. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 

2) H. Wilson. 
Age- 20. Male. 

How many genres of music can you name? 5. 
Hip-hop, RnB, classical, drum and base, techno. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 
Kanye West. 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No. Uses alternative methods such as social media. 

Do you visit music websites? 
No. Not that interested in music. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Talk about new/upcoming music. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine?

3. M. Beckett. 
Age- 18. Female. 

How many genres of music can you name? 7. 
Pop, rock, alternative, RnB, Classical, metal, EDM. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 
Ethel Cain. 

Do you buy music magazines? 
Yes. But not frequently. 

Do you visit music websites? 
Yes, if there was a focus on artists. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
If it looked appealing. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine?
Had likeable genres in them. 

4) H. Harmon. 
Age- 25. Female. 

How many genres of music can you name? 7. 
Pop, rock, disco, rap, RnB, opera, jazz. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 
Michael Jackson

Do you buy music magazines? 
Not seen any that are eye-catching. 

Do you visit music websites? 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Had recognisable people. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 
Vouchers or giveaways. 

5) M. Williams. 
Age- 18. Female. 

How many genres of music can you name? 8. 
Pop, rap, hiphop, rock, classic, house music, DnB, K-pop. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 
Pop smoke. 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No, uses social media instead.

Do you visit music websites? 
No, only thing online related to music is Spotify and YouTube. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Cash rewards. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 
If it came with music. 

6) T. Blair. 
Age- 17. Male. 

How many genres of music can you name? 6. 
Rock, pop, electronic, indie, J-pop, hiphop. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No. Too expensive for little it gives back. 

Do you visit music websites? 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Free poster. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 
There was topics that were interesting as well as a cheap magazine. 

7) J. Callaghan. 
Age- 17. Male. 

How many genres of music can you name? 7. 
Hiphop. Dance. EDM. Rock. Metal. RnB. Drum and base. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines?
No. Not interested in them. 

Do you visit music websites? 
No. Not interested. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
About a topic or artist they listened too. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 

8) D. Abbott. 
Age- 17. Female. 

How many genres of music can you name? 7. 
Pop. Jazz. Drum and base. Breakcore. Extra tone. Rock. Metal. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No, cannot afford them. 

Do you visit music websites? 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
Being about music they already listen to. 

How much would would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 

9) J. Smith.  
Age- 20. Male 

How many genres of music can you name? 32. 
Rock, jazz, metal, heavy metal, death metal, nu metal, thrash metal, punk rock. funk, funk rock. glam rock, funk metal, drum and bass, dubstep, EDM, brostep, indie rock, pop, disco, country, alt rock, pop rock, latin, bossa nova rock ballads, lofi, hifi, house, trap, rap, drill, grime, electro house. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 
Electro house. 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No, does not need to, just listens to music and if interested in something would look it up. 

Do you visit music websites? 
Only listens to music but uses websites to buy specific artists merch. 

If a new magazine was being published, what would make you want to buy it or visit the website? 
If it came with cool posters. 

How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine? 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 
If it included tips for aspiring music artists. 

10) C. Attlee. 
Age- 16 

How many genres of music can you name? 7. 
Rock, pop. classical, jazz, house, drum and bass, rap. 

What is your favourite genre of music? 

Who is your favourite artist? 

Do you buy music magazines? 
No, do not really read. 

Do you visit music websites? 
No, not really into music. 

What would make you want to buy a music magazine? 
If it was online and free because they would not go out of their way to by one. 

How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? 
Would not really want to buy one. 

Is there anything else which would encourage you to buy the first edition of a new magazine? 

This has been important as it shows the range of genres the magazine should be trying to reach as well as the average people are willing to pay for a music magazine. From this data I have collected it gives an idea of what the magazine should be focused on and that is a more pop focused music magazine, with a relatively low price range otherwise lose a large amount of the target audience. Another way the survey has been useful is that it shows that many people do not see music magazines as a necessary method to get information, so will need to justify this new music magazine existing for it to be successful. 

Thursday 23 May 2024

Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Independent Music Magazine Websites?

What I have learned from looking at three different independent magazines websites is that the level of quality can vary, this is due in part to the need to have a great amount of resources in order to have a top tier website. And to be a successful website needs to reinforce the brand identity, such as having the same masthead they use for their magazine as well as prominently displaying the most recent issue they have published; want you to buy it. The goal is for the website to feel like the person visiting the website is reading the magazine, by using the same colour scheme or speaking about similar subjects. The reason for this is that they wish long time readers to recognise the website as the magazine as it will make them more likely if a fan of the magazine to navigate the site for longer. 

Two features of all three independent magazines that I looked at were the promotion of social media platforms that the magazines have a presents on, a second way of boosting engagement as it will incentives further digestion of more of the brands content. A second, somewhat more important feature is the inclusion of advertisements. As these are what keep focusing on the site profitable, along with extra funds which can help go to the independent magazines other ventures, necessary as almost all independent magazines will not have piles and piles of cash to play with so need to use every avenue to be able to keep the business going. The use of advertisements on the website one such way. 

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites.


One way in which the use of The Wire's website helps to expand the brands identity is that is means being able to explore ideas in full, where on the page of a magazine there is a limit to how long an article can go on for due to page numbers, on their website there is no such limit. And it also makes the website have a functional use, being a place where fans can go for more in-depth analysis. Along with that The Wire's website can use video and audio whilst the magazine cannot. Another way it can expand its brand identity with it able to host radio shows, and use clips. 

To promote the latest issue of The Wire, in the top right corner for almost every hyperlink a person presses on, they will see this issue, and when a newer issue comes out that image will change, but beneath every time is the offer to buy a copy, this is a simple but efficient way to advertise the magazine. 


Friday 10 May 2024

Reflection Point : What Have I Learnt About Magazine Contents Pages?

What I have learned from looking at multiple contents pages is that there are several methods used by magazines to make their contents pages engaging for an audience. 

One such case is the use of images next to stories, for example announcing that they sat down and talked with a well-known celebrity will put a picture of that celebrity next to the story to give it meaning and a picture will draw a readers eye more than just having their name in the description of whatever page their interview is spoken about. 

A second way to make an engaging contents page is with the use of colour. Specifically, having text for headings of new sections be a different colour, this puts emphasis on new sections as it is communicating to readers where one section starts and ends, and where the next begins. For The Wire it was 'Features' and 'Reviews' whilst for Mojo it was 'Features' and 'Cover story' but also something clever that Mojo does is put the page numbers in red whilst its description is in black, to make it nearly impossible not to know where in the magazine this can be found. 

Thirdly the cover lines are, though stylized, kept simple. There never done in a way where it could be a struggle for some readers to understand them. Though The Wire, Mojo and Vogue interpret a contents page differently, they all understand that it should not be a mess of words on a page. All keeping some structure, going down in a listed order of each story and what it features. As to not confuse an audience. 

All three of these details are important to the creation of content pages, as for a magazine a contents page can make the difference between a person choosing to read the magazine and not. And a contents page will be highly likely the second page they see of the magazine, apart from the front cover, skimming it to see what the content is, and where in the magazine they can find it. But if they find the contents page too confusing or unappealing, they may just put the magazine down. That is why the colours used should be chosen to make the contents page pop and definitely use pictures to get across the stories the magazine wants the average readers eye to go to. 

Research Task Six : Wider Research Into Magazine Contents Pages.


Planning Task One : Magazine Title and Strapline.

To decide what the strapline and title should be, they need to relate to the music magazine which will center mainly on the pop genre.  The ...