* Rockwell Extra Bold.
* Blue Ocean.
* Retro Cool.
* Watermelon.
The fonts for both the masthead and strapline are crucial as they will be what peoples eyes will first go to and so needs to pop in order to be eye-catching, as people will not want to buy a magazine if it looks dull or boring.
The Rockwell Extra Bold, is an example of a more traditional kind of font and so could be classed as basic. Whereas, the other three are irregular and do give off a different energy to most fonts for magazine mastheads or straplines.
But rather than just choosing one of these fonts, I would be more inclined to go with the Watermelon font for the masthead whilst using Retro Cool for the strapline.
I have chosen to have the masthead in capitals, to grab attention. Whilst for the strapline to remain in lower case lettering.
Some magazines do not keep a particular colour for each issue of their magazine, and Cadence will be one of those magazines which will not stick to that convention. And so in every monthly release will be a different colour on the masthead/strapline. That is why I have left them in black instead of a certain colour, since it wont be stuck to.
The size is also important to pick up on, as the layout above will be similar to when it appears on the cover with the watermelon font title in large at the top of the print and sat underneath in much smaller type, with the retro cool font, the strapline.